Provide step-by-step tutorials explaining the purpose of each button, along with a free-play mode to simulate the operation of the physical Beiguan music mixer "Gong-Chi."
Use website animations and the Tone.js library to enable users to perform mixer operations such as pitch shifting, recording, mixing, and playing on a tablet with multi-touch functionality.
This is the showcase website for the graduation project by Wang Jun-Teng and Chen Qi-Yuan, graduates of the Industrial Design Program in the Department of Design at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. The project combines elements of Taiwanese folk culture, such as the sounds and instruments of Beiguan music, with Western music mixing consoles, creating the Beiguan music mixer "Gong-Chi."
This website is specifically designed for touchscreens, and to ensure a good user experience, it is designed with a resolution of 1366x768 to avoid making the interactive areas too small for easy operation. If using a computer, please simulate touch mode using Chrome's Developer Tools.